A Pinterest-Worthy South African Recipe

If you know me, you know that I’m a self-proclaimed lover of exotic cuisine (which can take you down the questionable path of raw jellyfish). So when my dear South African friend offered to let me in on one of her family recipes, I jumped like a honey badger on a cobra. Although she calls it butternut squash soup, it reminded me more of a pureed stew with a curry-esque kick. One bite (or rather slurp,) and I was hooked.

Butternut Squash Soup

Even if you’re no culinary Evel Knievel, I hope you’ll try branching out with this marvelous South African gem. It’s healthy, cheap, and so easy that even your boyfriend could make it. Just follow the 5 steps below, and you’ll be wining and dining Capetown-style in no time.


30-45 minutes


2 (generous) servings


1 butternut squash (seeded and peeled)

1/2 green apple

1 onion

1/4 stick of butter

1 tsp. curry powder

1 chick stock cube

1 cup milk

1  1/2 cups water

1. Chop the squash, apple, and onion, and sautee them in butter over medium heat.

2. In a separate pan, bring the milk and water to a boil, and dissolve the chick stock cube.

3. Once the squash is tender, add seasoning to the sautee mixture.

4. Combine everything in a large food processor or blender, and liquefy.

5. Pour and enjoy!

For a better time and best results, try pairing this soup with a South African wine like La Capra.

La Capra

Also, from personal experience, I can tell you that butternut squash soup pairs perfectly with bacon-wrapped scallops. Although really, what doesn’t go well with bacon-coated seafood? For an easy recipe like the one we followed, just click here.


Do you have a Pinterest worthy recipe you’d like to share? Did you try out this recipe for yourself? Leave a comment below! I’d love to know hear what you think.

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